- Prof. Fülöp Márta, tudományos tanácsadó, csoportvezető, Kognitív Idegtudományi és Pszichológiai Intézet, TTK |
- Prof. Gabriel Melendez, University of New Mexico, Dept. of American Studies, Fulbright |
- Prof. Géczi Gábor, tanszékvezető, Testnevelési Egyetem Sportmenedzsment Tanszék |
- Dr. John Barnes, Associate professor, University of New Mexico, Sport Administration Department |
- Prof. dr. Borbély Attila, elnök, Felügyelőbizottság és Audit Biz., Magyar Telekom Nyrt. |
- Alan Godsave, az LCCI Vizsgaközpont igazgatója, egyetemi oktató, IBS |
- Szarka Csaba ezredes, Magyar Honvédség Modernizációs Intézet |
- Iglói-Nagy István főosztályvezető, KKM Sportdiplomácia Főosztály |
- Rusznák Péter képzési vezető, Pro Bona Coaching & Training Center |
“Dr Kadar has taught both in this country, and in Canada, as well as in her native Hungary. Her research interests have also required her to spend protracted periods of time in North America. Her command of her subject matter as well as the English language is excellent, and she performs ably in the classroom, well able to work with students from the freshman to the PhD level, in both English and Hungarian.” (Paul Swann PhD, Film & Media Arts, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA)
”Dr. Kadar’s courses were a great success as evidenced by student comments, which were uniformly laudatory. Students appreciated the immense amount of time Dr. Kadar spent in helping them understand the complexities of the subject matter. One of her students commented that “one of her strengths was being able to explain difficult topics to individuals who have never been exposed to such topics before.” (Sunita Manian PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA)
„The current book is an excellent example of bringing together literary scholarship, cultural studies and cultural psychology under the umbrella of American and Canadian studies. Judit Kádár handles these different perspectives in a highly professional way, integrating them into an exciting reading of personal fates and choices that at the same time help us to get closer to the delicate individual and cultural and societal processes that influenced and guided those who ’went Indian’.” (Prof. Márta Fülöp, Scientific Vice-Director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre of Natural Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
„Dr. Kádár Judit Ágnes részletes habitusvizsgálata alapján megállapítható, hogy a jelölt tudományos szakmai tevékenysége megfelel a habilitációhoz szükséges kívánalmaknak. A hazai és nemzetközi tudományos életben és a szakmai közéletben aktívan részt vesz, számos ösztöndíjat nyert el, hazai és külföldi konferenciákon rendszeresen tart előadásokat.” (Dr. habil Kenyeres János, ELTE)